KTS is working with the BBC Group on a special show about the war in Ukraine

KTS, considering the war in Ukraine, is pleased to be able to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and work to educate listeners on the topic of war.

We collaborated with the BBC group alongside Elitaz colleagues. “After Ukraine: Are the Baltics Next?” was the title of the BBC’s international TV and radio debate programme.

We are quite happy of the fact that not only did we contribute to an important episode of the show, but also the BBC thanked us for our efforts and provided a very favorable review on our work.

“I just want to thank you and your team for a brilliant production.

It has been a total pleasure working with a group of talented and creative people who made the magic happen at the location.

Last night everyone pulled together for an amazing programme and also doing a live transmission was the icing on the cake. Everyone has commented on the quality of lighting, camera work and sound. The ‘Hanger’ was the perfect place for this discussion and thank you for working with me to make it happen.”

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